ortheast Regional Honors Council
City as Quest
Each year, NRHC’s annual conference brings supporters of education together from across the region to one city in the Northeastern United States. One of the most prominent components of these gatherings is the City as Text, an immersive self-guided exploration of the city we’ve traveled to with the goal of learning more about the history of the city and, hopefully, learning more about ourselves. In addition to our physical exploration of the city of Philadelphia, NRHC invites you on a virtual adventure that will challenge your critical thinking skills, your sense of geography, your knowledge of history, and your proficiency in conducting online research.
Please join us on City as Quest. This challenge contains eleven different puzzles, each of which will lead you to a virtual space within the world wide web that you will be tasked with exploring in order to find the answer to a question rooted in the history and geography of the area.
You can accept this challenge alone or with a group of other student conference attendees. The first person or group (maximum of 4 per group) to submit the most correct answers at the link below will be the winners of a $50 Amazon gift card per group member. If no one submits all eleven answers completed, the group that submitted the highest number of correct answers the soonest will be deemed the winner.
If you would like to be randomly paired with three other students from across the region, please email us at northeastregionalhonorscouncil@gmail.com to submit your request no later than March 30th. If so, we will group you with other conference attendees and share your contact information so that you can meet one another before embarking on this journey.
Answers must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on Saturday, April 9th. The winners will be announced on Sunday, April 10th at the NRHC Conference Awards Ceremony (10:00 - 10:30 am.) Good luck!
Step one on this challenge is simply for fun.
A moniker must be chosen before you run.
You have an obligation
to meet the following stipulation:
Your team name must include a pun.
Click below for each puzzle:
Hint: Use the following website for best results inputting GPS coordinates:
![]() Puzzle 1 | ![]() Puzzle 2 |
![]() Puzzle 3 | ![]() Puzzle 4 |
![]() Puzzle 5 | ![]() Puzzle 6 |
![]() Puzzle 7 | ![]() Puzzle 8 |
![]() Puzzle 9 | ![]() Puzzle 10 |
![]() Screen Shot 2022-03-17 at 10.10.15 AM | ![]() Puzzle 11 |

Have some City as Quest-ions?
If you have completed City as Quest and you struggled with the challenges or have questions about the methodology, I will host an open Zoom meeting Thursday, April 14th at 10:00am, to walk you through each puzzle and go behind the scenes about how I devised them. All participants who submit answers to the submission form will receive a Zoom invite on April 12th for this meeting.
Chris Brittain
NRHC President and 2022 Conference Co-Chair