ortheast Regional Honors Council
ARTICLE I. Name and Geographical Definition
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Northeast Regional Honors Council, hereinafter referred to as the Region.
Section 2: Geographical Definition
Geographically the Region consists of New England, the Middle Atlantic States, the Provinces of Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Ontario. The Region also includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
The purpose of this organization shall be (a) to promote honors programs and related activities in colleges and universities in the Northeast Region and (b) to cooperate with other organizations with similar goals.
ARTICLE III. Membership
Membership in the Region shall consist of institutional and individual membership.
Section 1: General Membership
Institutional membership shall be open to institutions of higher learning as well as to educationally related foundations and government agencies. In the instance of an institution with physically separate campus locations, each campus location shall pay institutional member dues if it has its own budget.
Individual membership shall be open to faculty members, administrators, students and other interested persons.
The term “member” shall refer only to those institutions or individuals who have paid all current and outstanding dues and other fees to the Region.
Institutions or persons residing outside the geographical boundaries of the Region may become members upon payment of dues to the Region. Membership is not restricted geographically.
Section 2: Honorary Membership
Honorary individual membership may be granted in recognition of distinguished service to the Region.
Honorary Membership nominations may be made by any member of the Region at a regularly scheduled business meeting. Nominations must be approved by the Executive Committee.
Honorary individual membership is sustained for life.
Such persons shall receive the designation of “member” by a simple majority vote of the Region at a regularly scheduled business meeting.
ARTICLE IV. Officers and Their Duties
Section 1: Titles and Eligibility
The officers shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice President, President, a Web Coordinator, an Executive Treasurer, an Executive Secretary, a Publications Officer, two Faculty Representatives, and up to three Student Representatives. The President, the President-Elect, and the Vice President, may not be elected to a second consecutive term of office.
Only individual members as defined in Article 2, Section 1, subsection B or honorary members as defined in Article 2, Section 2 may run for the office of President, President-Elect, Vice President, Executive Treasurer, and Executive Secretary.
The office of Student Representative is limited to students from the Region’s institutional members as defined in Article 2, Section 1, subsection A.
Section 2: President
The President shall preside at meetings of the Region, appoint committees, propose
policies and projects which fulfill the obligations and purposes of the Region, and preside over the Executive Board. Duties may include but are not limited to the following:
Serve as spokesperson for the Region
Preside at the annual business meetings and events
Preside at meeting of the Executive Committee, the Operating Board, and when meeting in Executive Conference
Report on the business of the Region annually and at other times requested by the membership and Executive Committee
Appoint ad hoc committees as necessary to the business of the Region
Serve as a member of the Executive Board
Perform other duties as required in executing the business of the Region, its Constitution, and By-Laws
In the president’s absence, the President-Elect shall conduct the business of the president.
If the president becomes unable, unwilling or otherwise fails to execute the duties of the office of president, the Executive Board may remove the sitting president of the Region by a 2/3 majority vote. When the sitting president is voted from office, the President-Elect will serve as President for the remainder of the term.
Section 3: President-Elect
The President-Elect shall be the immediate past Vice President and shall hold office for one year until a successor is installed. The President-Elect shall preside at meetings of the Region and serve as the primary chair of the annual conference. Duties may include but are not limited to the following:
Serve as a member of the Executive Board
Serve as the primary Conference Co-Chair, planning the Annual Conference
Perform other duties as required in executing the business of the Region, its Constitution, and By-Laws
If the President-Elect becomes unable, unwilling or otherwise fails to execute the duties of the office of President-Elect, the Executive Board may remove the sitting President-Elect of the Region by a 2/3 majority vote. When the sitting president is voted from office, the Vice President will serve as President-Elect for the remainder of the term.
Section 4: Vice President
The Vice President shall be elected for a one-year term and shall be a member of the faculty or administration of any member institution in the Region. The Vice President shall succeed automatically to the office of President-Elect upon the election and installation of the new Vice President. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President-Elect should that office become vacant.
Nominations for vice president will be accepted from among the faculty, administration, or staff of a member institution or from among individual members.
The Vice President shall succeed the President and serve as President-Elect at the end of the President-Elect’s appointment and upon the election of a successor to the office of vice president.
In the event of the Vice President’s ascension to President, or if the Vice President becomes unable to fulfill the duties of the office of Vice President, the President shall appoint to the office of Vice President one of the faculty/staff members-at-large sitting on the Executive Committee, who will serve as the Vice President pro-tem for the remainder of the term.
Section 5: Publications Officer
The Publications Officer shall be elected for a term of three years and shall be a member of the region.
The Publications Officer shall maintain any and all publications on behalf of the Region, including, but not limited to, the conference program and the undergraduate research journal Illuminate. The position shall include the following duties
Oversee the publication process, including soliciting submissions, editors, and /or reviewers as necessary.
Organize and maintain publication formatting and structure.
Create the annual conference program.
Maintain archives of publications.
Section 6: Web Coordinator
The Web Coordinator shall be elected to a three-year term by a vote of the membership of the Region. In the event of a resignation during the term of office, the Executive Board is empowered to appoint someone until the next annual election. The Web Coordinator is expected to have a facility learning new technologies and a working knowledge of web design and logistics. The Web Coordinator is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the Council's website, the Call for Proposals, and the Conference Registration process.
Section 7: Executive Treasurer
The Executive Treasurer shall be elected for a term of three years and shall be a member of the Region.
Together with the Executive Secretary, the Executive Treasurer shall maintain and publish a current membership list including names and addresses of institutional representatives, and shall serve as liaison with the National Collegiate Honors Region.
The Executive Treasurer shall collect and manage all Regional funds, and may sign contractual obligations on behalf of the Region or may designate another officer or standing committee chair to do so. The Executive Treasurer may approve fiscal and contractual obligations of less than $501. Fiscal and contractual obligations greater than $500 but less than $1001 require approval of the Executive Treasurer and the President or the President’s designee. Fiscal and contractual obligations of over $1000 require the approval of the Executive Board.
The duties of the Executive Treasurer include the following:
Serving as custodian of the Region’s funds and securities and depositing in the name of the organization all monies or other valuable effects in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be approved from time to time by the Executive Committee.
Preparing and presenting an annual financial report to the organization, consisting of all financial transactions and related documentation.
Maintaining accurate membership and dues records.
Maintaining the Region’s corporate and tax-exempt status.
Publicizing, receiving applications for, and coordinating all matters pertaining to the Region’s student stipends.
Serving as host to the Region’s official headquarters.
If the Executive Treasurer becomes unable to fulfill these duties, an interim successor will be appointed by the Executive Board until the Region convenes at the annual business meeting. At such time, election to the office of Executive Treasurer will require approval from the Region through processes outlined in Article VII of the By-Laws
Section 8: Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary shall be elected for a term of three years and shall be a member of the Region.
Together with the Executive Treasurer, the Executive Secretary shall maintain and publish a current membership list including names and addresses of institutional representatives, and shall serve as liaison with the National Collegiate Honors Region.
The duties of the Executive Secretary include the following:
Verifying a quorum is present in order to conduct business during meetings in which a quorum is required.
Keeping and circulating minutes of the Region and Executive Committee.
Editing or properly discharging editing responsibility for all of the Region’s publications.
Maintaining archives of relevant conference and Region documents.
Overseeing the process of elections, including publicizing opportunities and recruiting candidates to stand for elections to offices and positions on the Executive Committee.
If the Executive Secretary becomes unable to fulfill these duties, an interim successor will be appointed by the Executive Board until the Region convenes at the annual business meeting. At such time, election to the office of Executive Secretary will require approval from the Region through processes outlined in Article VII of the By-Laws.
Section 9: Faculty Representatives
Each Faculty Board Representative shall be elected to a two-year term by a vote of the membership of the Region. Normally, one Faculty Representative shall be elected in odd-numbered years and one faculty representative shall be elected in even-numbered years. In the event of the resignation of a Faculty Board Representative in the first year of office, an election shall be held to fill the office for the remainder of the term. In the event of a resignation during the second year of office the Executive Board is empowered to appoint someone to complete the remainder of the term. Faculty Board Representatives may serve no more than one consecutive term. Normally a Faculty Board Representative will be ineligible for election to another office until the final year of the term of office.
Section 10: Student Representatives
The Student Board Representatives shall be elected to a one-year term by a vote of the membership of the Region. Student Board Representatives may be elected to additional one-year terms.
Nominations will be accepted from among the students of member institutions.
In the event of the Student Representative’s inability to serve, conferral of degree, or failure to continue as a student at a member institution, the president shall make an interim appointment.
Section 11: Elections
Elections for all eligible officer positions occur at the annual business meeting of the Region. Only those individual members or representatives of institutional members who/which have maintained membership for a period of at least one year may stand for election to any officer position.
ARTICLE V. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Executive Secretary, Executive Treasurer, Web Coordinator, Publications Officer, two Faculty Board Representatives, and up to three Student Board Representatives.
The Executive Board shall formulate policies and projects, shall review and approve expenditures in excess of $1000, shall act upon requests from member institutions for financial support. The Executive Board shall act in a manner that fulfills the obligations, purposes, and goals of the Region.
Normally the President or the President’s designee shall call meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall be directed to convene a meeting of the Executive Board upon notification of the desires of a majority of the Executive Board to hold a meeting. Meetings may be held in person, via conference telephone calls, or through other means deemed appropriate by the Board.
The Board is empowered to act in all manners on behalf of the members. Reports of all such actions shall be made at the next Regional Business Meeting.
ARTICLE VI. Annual Conference, Meetings, and Voting
Section 1: Annual Conference
The Region shall normally sponsor an Annual Conference.
Section 2: Meetings
The President shall call at least one Business Meeting per year that shall be open to the members of the Region. Normally, a Business Meeting will coincide with the meetings of the National Collegiate Honors Region and another Business Meeting will coincide with the Annual Conference of the Region. The purpose of any Business Meeting shall be to receive reports and motions from the officers, the Executive Board, and committees, to act on motions dealing with Region matters, and to instruct the officers, Executive Board, and committees on issues and matters of concern to the Region.
The Executive Board shall meet at least twice annually. At least one meeting will be held in conjunction with any Business Meeting.
A quorum will be defined as follows:
For the Executive Board a quorum is reached with seven (7) members present.
For Regional Business Meetings, having ten (10) institutional members present will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any previously announced business meeting.
Section 3: Voting Body
The voting body consists of those categories of members defined in Article 3 of the Constitution: namely, institutional members, individual members, and honorary members. As part of the voting body, honorary members are recognized as individual members.
Each institutional member in good standing shall appoint one faculty or staff member to cast one vote for that institution.
An individual member or an honorary member may cast a single vote as an individual member.
An individual member may cast a vote as either an individual member or as the representative of an institutional member. Under no circumstance shall an individual member cast more than one vote.
Section 4: Mail Vote
Between meetings, the Executive Board may submit questions or items of business for a vote of the Region membership. Such voting may be completed by post or electronic mail.
ARTICLE VII. Net Earnings
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501(c) (3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal Income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code contributions to corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.)
ARTICLE VIII. Dissolution of this Organization
Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal government, or to a state or local government, for public purpose.
ARTICLE IX. Amendments
Section 1: Procedure
Any member of the Region may propose amendments to this Constitution.
All amendments must be proposed in writing and submitted to the Executive Secretary for consideration by the Executive Board at its next ordinary or extraordinary meeting.
Prior to a vote the Executive Board shall apprise the membership of its evaluation of any proposed amendments. Proposed amendments do not require approval by the Executive Board in order to come before the membership.
Proposed amendments may be distributed in writing at the business meeting prior to the business meeting during which a vote is taken. Whether shared at such a business meeting or not, proposed amendments must be distributed via regular mail or e-mail, the means to be determined by the Executive Board, at least 60 days in advance of a scheduled business meeting.
Amendments and alterations shall be put to a vote of the Region at regional business meetings. The Executive Board may choose to hold a vote via direct ballot if necessary.
Amendments and alterations become a part of the Constitution upon receiving a two-thirds majority vote from the voting body as defined in Article VI section 3.
Along with the results of the vote, discussion of the proposed amendment prior to the vote, including the Executive Board’s evaluation, will be recorded in the minutes.
ARTICLE X. Ratification
The Constitution shall be ratified when a majority of those institutions in the New England and Middle Atlantic States which are members of the National Collegiate Honors Region for 1973-74 shall consent to its enactment.
As amended June 1, 1980 Ann R. Raia, Executive Secretary
As amended June 1982 Jane Pickett, Executive Secretary
As amended June 1983 Jane Pickett, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended November 14, 1990 Richard W. Meisegeier, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended October 20, 2000 Marion P. Warunek, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended October 28, 2005 Ross Wheeler, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended April 4, 2011 Shirley Shultz Myers, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended April 5, 2013 Shirley Shultz Myers, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended April 5, 2014 Shirley Shultz Myers, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended April 11, 2015 Karlyn Koh, Executive Secretary
As amended June 30, 2020 Richard Cohen, Executive Secretary
As amended July 1, 2021 Kathryn MacDonald, Executive Secretary
As amended April 22, 2024 Kathryn MacDonald, Executive Secretary
ARTICLE I. Tenure and Fiscal Year
Section 1: Definition
The term of office and the fiscal year shall be 1 July through 30 June.
ARTICLE II. Dues and Fees
Section 1: Annual Dues
Dues confer membership and voting rights for the institution or individual paying the dues. No other rights, real or implied, are conferred by payment of membership dues.
Annual institutional dues shall include membership for the Director of the Honors Program, Dean of the Honors College, or a comparable individual as designated by the institution.
There shall be three categories of individual memberships and dues: affiliated individual membership, student membership, and non-affiliated membership. Affiliated individuals are defined as those persons whose institution or agency is a member of the Region. Dues for affiliated individuals shall be no more than fifty percent (50%) of the dues for institutional membership. Dues for unaffiliated individuals shall be no less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the dues for institutional membership. Dues for student membership shall be no more than fifty percent (50%) of dues for affiliated individuals.
The amount of annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Board and subject to a vote of the members of the Region. The Executive Secretary shall notify the members in writing of any change in dues proposed by the Executive Board at least 60 days in advance of a business meeting. Proposals to change dues shall be voted on by regular mail ballot or online voting, the means to be decided by the Executive Board. Approval of a change in dues requires a two-thirds majority of those voting. Notification of results of votes for changing the amount of dues may be announced in writing or at a Business Meeting.
Members shall be notified in writing of the amount of dues assessed for the BY-LAWS subsequent year at least 60 days in advance of their due date.
Section 2: Fees
Conference registration fees shall be determined by the Executive Board upon recommendation of the Conference Planning Committee or other committees as appropriate. Conference fees for students and individual members from affiliated institutions shall be less than the Conference registration fee for non-affiliated individuals.
The Executive Board may impose additional fees or levies on the members with the concurrence of a majority of those voting in a mail ballot or in an online election, the means to be determined by the Executive Board.
ARTICLE III. Annual Conference
Section 1: Definition
The Annual Conference shall ordinarily take place between 15 March and 30 April. The Honors Program Director of the host institution shall ordinarily serve as Local Arrangements Chair. The President-Elect and President shall ordinarily serve as Program Co-Chairs.
ARTICLE IV. Committees
Section 1: Definition
The Standing Committees shall be the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Site Selection Committee, and the Conference Planning Committee. No Standing Committee or its Chair shall be empowered to encumber or otherwise fiscally obligate the Region.
Section 2: The Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall assist the Executive Secretary and Executive Treasurer in identifying and recruiting members and in designing activities to promote active membership in the Region. The Chair and the members of the Membership Committee shall be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Executive Board.
Section 3: The Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the President. The Executive Secretary and Executive Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Committee. The President, with the concurrence of the Executive Board, shall appoint other members of the Committee. These people shall be members of the Region and shall be appointed for a one-year term. The Nominating Committee shall present a roster of candidates at a Business Meeting with at least one candidate for each office. The Nominating Committee shall invite nominations of other candidates who must be present at the meeting or who have given their written consent for their nomination. Written consent must be presented to the Chair of the Nominating Committee at or prior to the Business Meeting at which the nomination is made. Nominated individuals will stand for election using voting procedures outlined in Article VI.
Section 4: The Site Selection Committee
The Site Selection Committee. The Chair of the Site Selection Committee and up to three Committee members shall be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Executive Board. The Site Selection Committee shall identify sites for future Conferences, identify potential site hosts, and shall work with the Executive Committee. The President-Elect is an ex officio member of the Site Selection Committee.
Section 5: The Conference Planning Committee
Conference Planning Committee. The Co-Chairs of the Conference Planning Committee are the President-Elect and the President. The Executive Board and the chair of the Ad Hoc Local Arrangements Committee are members of the Conference Planning Committee. The Conference Planning Committee shall organize the Annual Conference and make recommendations for assessments of charges, expenditures of funds, and other budgetary matters associated with the Conference. The President-Elect and President may, with the concurrence of the Conference Planning Committee, appoint ad hoc subcommittees and their chairs to address particular issues or topics of concern. Conference budgets shall be submitted to the Board in a timely manner.
Section 6: Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall be co-chaired by the President and the Vice President. This committee will develop a plan of action to increase diversity in NRHC, contribute to NRHC materials dealing with issues of diversity, and work to fulfill the intention of this statement. Any honors administrator, faculty member, staff member or student of an NRHC member institution can volunteer.
Section 7: Publications Committee
The Publications Committee shall be chaired by the Publications Officer. This committee will assist the Publications Officer in preparing the Region’s journal(s) for publication. Members of the committee will serve as reviewers and/or editors of manuscript submissions as well as provide regular feedback on the publication process.
ARTICLE V. Other Committees
The President, on an as needed or ad hoc basis, may appoint other committees. No Committee or its Chair shall be empowered to encumber or otherwise fiscally obligate the Region.
Article VI: Executive Board
Section 1: Charge
The Executive Board shall transact such business of the Region as may be referred to it in the annual business meeting or by the officers and in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2: Annual Conference
The Executive Committee shall be the consulting body charged with supporting the conference chairperson(s).
Section 3: Meetings
The Executive Board shall hold three required meetings. The first required meeting will be held immediately prior to the Region’s annual conference. The second required meeting will be held immediately following the Region’s annual conference. The third required meeting will be the Executive Conference Meeting outlined in Article 8 of the By-Laws.
Other meetings may occur at such times as deemed necessary by the president. Any meeting called other than the two required meetings may be convened electronically or telephonically when deemed appropriate and when all members of the Executive Board have full access to the necessary electronic or telephonic technology.
Section 4: Budget
The Executive Board shall be responsible for reviewing and approving an annual budget to be prepared by the Executive Treasurer.
The annual budget will consist of the financial reports provided at each meeting of the Region and Executive Board.
The annual budget must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board.
Article VII: Nominations and Elections
Section 1: Nominations
The Nominating Committee, as outlined in Article IV, Section, 3 will fulfill its duties.
Student nominees require a letter of financial support from their home institution, indicating that the institution is committed to funding the nominee’s travel to and attendance at the three required meetings and other necessary meetings of the Region and the Executive Committee.
Section 2: Nominations from the Floor
Nominations from the floor for each office of the Region will be in order at the annual business meeting.
Section 3: Multiple Nominations
A candidate may stand for one office.
Upon being nominated for more than one office, a candidate shall choose one office for which to stand and make this intention publicly known and clear to the chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
Section 4: Membership, Candidacy and Voting Body
Any candidate being nominated for an elected position serving the Region is bound to the membership requirements as stated in the Constitution, Article 3.
Individual members wishing to cast a vote or stand for an elected office must have settled and paid all dues and accounts required for membership with the Region at least two hours prior to the scheduled time of a meeting’s call to order.
Institutional members wishing to cast a vote must have settled and paid all dues and accounts required for membership with the Region at least 6 hours prior to the scheduled time of a meeting’s call to order.
Section 5: Voting Procedure
The Executive Secretary shall conduct an annual ballot of the members for the purpose of elections. The election shall occur by mail or online, the means to be determined by the Executive Board, and shall be held no later than six weeks after a Business Meeting. Elections will be elected by a simple majority vote of the members present, and in accordance with voting procedures specified in the Constitution Article 4, section 2.
If only one person stands in an election, that person must be elected by acclamation.
Election to office shall be by a plurality of all votes cast.
In the event of a tie a second election will be held.
The Executive Secretary shall announce results of the election in writing. Such announcement may be made in the Newsletter, in a special mailing distributed to the membership, or via e-mail, the means to be determined by the Executive Board.
Article VIII: Points of Order
Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order
On all points of order not dictated by these By-Laws, the Region shall be governed by the most current publication of Robert’s Rules of Order or by the established usages in assemblages governed by parliamentary rule.
Section 2: Appointment of a Parliamentarian
The presiding officer at each Region meeting shall appoint a parliamentarian for that meeting.
Any ruling offered by the parliamentarian will be standard of measure for points of order made within that same meeting.
Article IX: Adoption and Amendments
Section 1: Right to Amend
These By-Laws may be amended or altered at any annual meeting of the Region.
Section 2: Execution of Amendments
All alterations or amendments to these By-Laws are bound to the process dictated in Article 8 of the Constitution.
As amended June 1, 1980 Ann R. Raia, Executive Secretary
As amended June 1982 Jane Pickett, Executive Secretary
As amended June 1983 Jane Pickett, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended November 14, 1990 Richard W. Meisegeier, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended April 4, 2011 Shirley Shultz Myers, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended April 5, 2013 Shirley Shultz Myers, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
As amended April 11, 2015 Karlyn Koh, Executive Secretary
As amended July 1, 2021 Kathryn MacDonald, Executive Secretary
As amended April 22, 2024 Kathryn MacDonald, Executive Secretary